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John (Hair Transplant)

About 18 months ago, I underwent a hair transplant that was performed by this team. The thinning of my hair at the front and back was something I had worried about for years, and even when I looked in to getting it done, I was put off about the potential cost, scarring and how natural it would look – plus I knew I would be ribbed by my mates for getting it done!

Deciding to get it done with this team was the best thing I could have done. I expected them to be professional, but the level of information I received prior, and also the aftercare was brilliant.
As expected, I was ribbed by my mates for getting it done, however, everyone one of them have since said how good it looks, and they are now considering getting it done themselves.

In regard to any scarring, when I went or my first proper haircut after the operation, my barber said it was the best hair transplant he had ever seen, as he couldn’t see any scarring at all (other customers who had it done had little white dots/scars – barely noticeable, but still there). I’ve had numerous people in work and friends I don’t get to see much, all say how natural it looks.

It has made a massive difference to my confidence and self esteem. I can’t thank this place/team enough!!!