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What precautions can be taken to minimise risk of infection?

Make sure that the clinic that you attend has good hygiene and infection control standards. Clinics registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) are inspected on a regular basis by UK Government officials to ensure they met or exceed standards of quality including infection control. The clinic you select should be able to demonstrate the use of single-use needles, the sterilisation of tweezers using autoclave steriliser and the use of sterilised gloves.

Aftercare advice should also be given to patients to minimise risk of infection by patient.

Patients can take the following steps to avoid infection risk:

  • Ensure that you maintain good levels of hand hygiene by washing hands thoroughly at regular intervals.
  • Use anti-bacterial wash or gel regularly to destroy micro-organisms on your hands.
  • Avoid touching the treated areas unnecessarily.
  • Avoid swimming or bathing in public areas or the sea.
  • Avoid using perfume or aftershave on the treatment sites.
  • Avoid having any other beauty treatments on treated areas.
  • Do not shave, pluck or wax treated areas between treatments.
  • Exfoliate 2 to 3 days before and after treatment.