Muscle Relaxing Injection North West
Skin Medical is a medical practice located at the heart of Manchester city centre in St Ann’s Square, easily reachable by public transport or car. Muscle Relaxing Injection is becoming an increasingly popular treatment to reduce the sign of ageing due to its proven effectiveness. When administered correctly Muscle Relaxing Injection can smooth wrinkles, improve skin texture, and provide a natural lift to skin. We only use doctors or nurse prescribers with over ten years’ experience so you can expect great, natural-looking results and avoid the dreaded ‘frozen’ face.
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How Does Muscle Relaxing Injection Work?
When injected into the muscle, Muscle Relaxing Injection blocks nerve impulses, which stops the facial movement that causes wrinkles to develop. After many years of facial movement, dynamic lines form and deepen. You will notice the effects of Muscle Relaxing Injection after five to ten days. Treated areas will have a smoother, more refreshed appearance, and the results last for three to six months. With extended use Muscle Relaxing Injection has also been proven to permanently reduce dynamic lines in the face.
Call, message, or pop in at our clinic and speak to our welcoming team.
Attend a consultation to see which treatment is right for you.
Sit back and relax in the care of our skincare professionals.
Get the best results from your treatment with our aftercare solutions.
Are There Any Side Effects?
If any side effects do occur, they are temporary, mild to moderate, and usually is just a slight bruising to the treated area. Full details of side effects are provided at time of consultation.
The treatment only takes fifteen to twenty minutes and you can get back to your daily activity straight away, although you will have to avoid activity such as strenuous exercise or lying down for four hours post-treatment. We can offer first-time patients a follow-up appointment two weeks after the first treatment to further assess the area and give a top-up if necessary.
Which Brand Of Muscle Relaxing Injection Are You Receiving?
Due to the increased popularity of Muscle Relaxing Injection, many manufacturers have begun producing ‘Muscle Relaxing Injection’-style products. Theses are not necessarily FDA regulated, so you should check to ask that the Muscle Relaxing Injection you are being treated with has been regulated. At Skin Medical we only use Muscle Relaxing Injection produced by Allergan. It is considered the gold standard in the cosmetic industry and has been approved by the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) meaning that it has undergone extensive testing to ensure its safety.
Where To Start?
Before undergoing any treatment, we offer all of our patients a consultation and skin evaluation with our medical staff. During this consultation you can see if Muscle Relaxing Injection is the right treatment for you. We will go through all aspects of the treatment, address any of your concerns, and answer all of your questions.
If you would like to know how Skin Medical can help you achieve a more youthful appearance book your appointment today by calling 0161 839 7663.
Our skin clinic specialises in a range of treatable conditions, from acne to wrinkles, and everything in between.