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Cosmetic Surgery Review and How Vaser Lipo at Skin Medical Compares

The Cosmetic Surgery Review led by the NHS Medical Director Sir Bruce Keogh – key findings.

The cosmetic treatments industry is facing a wide-ranging changes in an effort to improve patient safety and outlaw aggressive promotional tactics.

New regulation and legislation is likely following the PIP beast implant fiasco and the likes of Harley Medical’s Company administration in attempt to avoid prosecutions and class actions by 1700 patients. Key observation and recommendations are:

1. Ban free consultations.

2. Ban consultations with non-medical personnel.

3. Ban cash incentives and two for one deals.

4. Dermal fillers have been identified for more legislation to protect patients, with those administrating treatments and premises to be regulated.

5. Consultations are likely to be a two stage process to avoid pressure selling techniques.

At Skin Medical we are proud to report that we are in compliance all of these recommendations, including all fillers, injectables and our vaser lipo treatment.

Final recommendations are schedule to be announce in March 2013, when it is expected that Care Quality Commission with be expected to expand their role in the audit of all forms of injectables and laser providers.This will effectively outlaw beauticians from offering such treatments.